
Go-Around-DollarThe Go-Around Dollar
Barbara Johnston Adams
illustrated by Joyce Audy Zarins

Every dollar travels from person to person in a different way. This fascinating and informative book weaves together a fictional narrative about the travels of a single dollar with facts and anecdotes that are sure to delight young readers.

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W-Books-written2Sand Dollar, 5 languages

Joyce Audy dos Santos: Author/Illustrator

Sand Dollar, Sand Dollar. Peter makes a wish on a sand dollar he finds on the beach, thinking he can control the sea. J.B. Lippincott, NY. ISBN 0-397-31891-X. Hardcover.

There’s not a distancing word about tides or a false or unnecessary one about Peter’s view of things—just an artist-observer’s view of the scene, with Peter at the center. Kirkus

…rollicking story… The illustrations are dazzling silk-screen pictures in blue and gold with the characters etched in white. Publisher’s Weekly

 Simply and effectively designed, the illustrations show wide expanses of yellow sand and blue sky, frothy waves, and the teeming life under the surface of the sea. The Horn Book

. Ages 4-7.

● Sand Dollar, Sand Dollar is now available in a dual-language Spanish / English hardcover version: ISBN-13: 978-1683041030

● Sand Dollar, Sand Dollar is now available in dual-language paperback versions in: Spanish / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040002, French / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040095, Portuguese / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040101, Vietnamese / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040118, and Tagalog / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040125, and German / English ISBN-13: 978-1683040699. Bab’l Books, Inc., Boston and Paperback.

Giants of Smaller Worlds ISBN 0-396-08143-6. After the book came out, an editor from another company called to tell me that they had also published a book about giant insects, but it wasn’t in color and didn’t show the insects in actual sizes, as my book did. Ages 7-10. Dodd, Mead.

The Diviner ISBN 0-397-31909-6. Based on a French Canadian folk story my grandmother told me about a shrewd boy how earns, through luck, the reputations of being a diviner. Ages 5-8. J.B. Lippincott.

Toasted Bagels. P.C.’s animal friends come to the rescue when his plans for a bagel party go up in smoke. ISBN-10: 0698307518 ISBN-18: 978069307513 Part of the Break of Day series of beginning readers. Ages 7-9. Coward, McCann. Jabberwocky Bookshop

Henri and the Loup Garou  A father’s journey home is threatened by a mythical beast,who he outsmarts. ISBN 394-84950-7.1982 Notable Children’s Trade Book in Social Studies. Ages 5-8. Pantheon.


Joyce Audy dos Santos or Zarins Illustrator of:

W-Log-Cabin-MacmillanLog Cabin in the Woods, (by Joanne Landers Henry) which I illustrated. Four Winds/Macmillan. Re-published by Guild Press, Emmis Publishing, IN. Scholastic Book Club. Ages 10-13.

How to Survive Third Grade (Laurie Lawlor) was available for ten years.Winner of the 1991 Kansas City KC3 Reading Award

“Although there’s no official document to the effect, Ernest is unquestionably the class outcast…. It’s the peer dynamics, the lonely protagonist, and the natural easy-to-read style that works well here.” — Recommended, The Bulletin for the Center of Children’s Books

Winner of the 1991 KC3 Reading Award, Greater Kansas City Association of School Librarians

Ages 7-9. Albert Whitman.

Series of three books, Mrs. Peloki’s Snake (Joanne Oppenheim), a 1981 IRA Children’s Choice book. Mrs. Peloki’s Substitute, Mrs. Peloki’s Class Play, 1984-85 nomination for The Golden Sower: the Nebraska Children’s Book Award. Ages 4-8. Dodd, Mead.

W-Books-2Orphan Jeb at the Massacree (Stephen Mooser, of SCBWI fame) is one of the founders of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Ages 9-12. Knopf.

Piskies, Spriggans and Other Magical Beings (Shirley Climo). Ages 8-10. T. Y. Crowell.

Milllion Dollar Jeans (Ron Roy). Ages 9-12. E.P. Dutton

Be Kind to Your Dog at Christmas (Barbara Costikyan). Age 8-11. Pantheon.

Gus Goes to School (Jane Thayer) was one of the popular Gus the Ghost books. Age 4-6. William Morrow.

The Day Eli Went Looking for Bear (Michelle Dionetti). Ages 4-7. Addison-Wesley.

The Story of Things (Kate Morgan). Ages K-3. Walker & Co.

The Struggle for Freedom: Plays on the American Revolution 1762-1788 (Charles F. Baker III) and The Myths and Legends of Mount Olympos (Rosalie and Charles F. Baker III) were illustrated by me alone. Earth Maker’s Lodge: Native American Folklore, Activities and Foods (edited by E. Barrie Kavasch), illustrated by myself, Chris Wold Dyrud and Tim Foley, won the 1995 Book Builder’s Award for Excellence in Graphic Arts. Cobblestone Publishing.

About my name:

I was born Joyce Anne Audy. My first books were published under my legal married name Joyce Audy dos Santos. Years later, I remarried and took the name Joyce Audy Zarins and that’s what is on the cover of the more recent books. As you can see, J.A.Zarins is an abbreviation.


Over the years: Cricket, Spider, Ladybug, Faces, Cobblestone, Odyssey, and Cicada.

Member of:

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.


Open Water was a finalist for the SCBW&I Works in Progress Grant for YA Fiction.

Birna received an Honorable Mention in the Young Adult Short Fiction Category for the Writer’s Digest 2015 Popular Fiction Awards (TBA June, 2016). It is one of the YA stories in Exchange: Short Stories in Diverse Voices.

I Am Gudrid, my YA historical novel (unpublished so far), was excerpted as a novella in two issues of Cicada Magazine, summer 2014.



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